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PA Development and Training

Developing your Personal Assistant

Offering training is a good way of supporting your Personal Assistant to develop and grow in their role.

You should:

  • Discuss any training needs as part of the one to ones.
  • Look at the job description and the skills your Personal Assistant needs.
  • Consider your responsibilities and an employer.
  • Record all types of learning your Personal Assistant.
  • See if you can claim back the cost of the training you send your Personal Assistants on.

Training Guide

Skills for Care have a new training guide to support you on how to develop you and your Personal Assistant.

Click here to access the training guide

Skills for Care also have a training needs form for you to understand what type of training you might need to send your Personal Assistant on.

Click here to access the form

Recommend Training

Below are some recommended ways to support the development of your Personal Assistant.

  • Care Certificate
    We recommend that your personal assistant completes the Care Certificates. These certificates are an agreed set of standards developed jointly by Skills for Care, Health Education England, and Skills for Health. The Care Certificate is made up of the fifteen minimum standards that should be covered if you are 'new to care' and should form part of a robust induction programme. Click here to access the complete set of accessible videos on the Care Certificate workbook.

  • Necessary training
    Your personal assistant may need to take on necessary training. For example, if they are responsible for lifting or moving you, then they must have moving and handling training.  You may want to refer to Skills for Care for information and advice.

  • Apprenticeships
    Apprenticeships allow your personal assistant to enhance their skills through a mix of practical work and educational learning, ending in nationally acknowledged qualifications. It is an additional route for your personal assistant to undergo training. 

There are different levels of apprenticeships, depending on the role and responsibilities of your personal assistant: 

  • Adult care worker (equivalent to level 2)
  • Lead Adult Care Worker (level 3)
  • Lead Practitioner in Adult Care (level 4)
  • Leader in Adult Care (level 5)

Funding for training:
To learn more about funding for training, visit How do I pay for my personal assistant.

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