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PA Supervision and Issues


It is important that you meet with your Personal Assistant often. These talks let you praise Personal Assistant and tackle issues, you need to encourage your assistant to bring up problems too. Aim for chats every three to six months.

If you need help with supervision skills, Skills for Care offers local funding for training.

Click here to be redirected to Skills for Care funding support

Resolving Problems

In work settings, issues can arise between you and your assistant. We suggest having Disciplinary and Grievance policies to support you and your Personal Assistant. While both policies offer formal procedures, we recommend that you aim for informal resolution first; open discussion can often resolve matters before they escalate.

You should always talk to your Employers Liability Insurance company when you want to use a policy or procedure as they offer support and advice.


Disciplinary Policy: This should address your assistant's work or behaviour issues. For example, it can cover:

  • Frequent lateness
  • Excessive sick days
  • Poor task performance

The disciplinary policy should outline support, improvement expectations, timelines, and goals. In serious issues might lead to termination.


Grievance Policy: This is for your assistants to report unfair treatment or excessive demands. It should allow them to voice concerns safely, without job risk.

It is important to provide a safe method for your PA to voice concerns without risking their employment.

Further guidance and templates

Skills for Care have a dedicated webpage on sorting out problems between you and your personal assistant. Their webpage coves:

  • If your personal assistant is absent
  • If you are not happy as an employer
  • If your personal assistant is not happy
  • If you are being abused

Click here to be redirected to Skills for Care resources.

 around abuse

If you think you or your personal assistant is being abused. Its important you understand how address any concerns. We have a webpage on Protecting adults from abuse - Staffordshire County Council.

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