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Steps on your journey with adult social care in Staffordshire

This is the shared process that Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) and Staffordshire County Council (SCC) will follow in helping you plan the care and support you may need to stay safe and independent as possible. 

The Care Act 2014

We work with you following guidelines detailed in the Care Act 2014 to identify if you have any eligible needs. Adult Social Care Services will not necessarily meet your eligible needs; however, we will work with you to identify how your eligible needs will be met. You may have to pay for your care and support dependent upon your financial circumstances, you will have a financial assessment which will determine if you have to pay and how much if Adult Social Care Services are required to meet any of your eligible needs. 

Assessing your needs

If you require an assessment the Adult Social Care Team will talk to you over the phone or via video to identify your eligible needs and how they can be met. It may be that you require a further assessment in person, in which case we will arrange to meet with you to complete your assessment. We aim to complete your assessment with you within 28 days. Occasionally, it may take longer than 28 days, or it could be quicker in some instances, depending on priority

Your assessment

Your assessment considers your current circumstances and explores what you, your family, friends and community can do to meet any eligible needs. Any care and support you receive should be aimed at helping you to achieve the things you have identified as being important to you.

Eligible needs

If following your assessment, you have no eligible needs which require support from Adult Social Care, we will agree with you how your eligible needs will be met.

If you have eligible needs which require support from Adult Social Care, we will help you to write and agree your support plan and work out your financial contribution.

Financial assessment

The financial assessment will be based on whether you will be receiving support in your own home or in a residential or nursing home. The assessment will tell you how much we will contribute to your care and how much your own contribution will need to be.

Arranging your care and support 

If you have eligible needs and Adult Social Care contributes towards the cost of your care, our brokerage service can arrange care for you; alternatively it may be possible for you to choose to take a direct payment to arrange your own care and support.

If you are financially assessed as a ‘self-funder’ then our brokerage service can arrange home care for you and there will a set up fee and an ongoing administrative charge for this. This service is not available for residential or nursing care homes.

Review of your care and support

We will review your care and support once it is in place, to check that it is appropriate, safe and that your needs have not changed. Following this, we will undertake a review with you at least once every 12 months or sooner if your circumstances change.

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