Contact us
Before you submit a complaint, please make sure that you read the information contained on the make a general complaint, make a complaint about social care, types of complaint we cannot look at and tips on how to make a complaint.
Make a general complaint
You can register a concern about a council service.
Make a complaint about social care
Register a concern about a service for adult or children's social care.
Freedom of information complaints
Our Access Team can help with any complaints about freedom of information requests.
You can also send an email and attach additional information to support your complaint such as photographs or documents, to the following email address:
If you are unable to use our online complaint form or email facility, you can contact us by telephone. This is normally available Monday to Friday, between 10am and 2pm. An answer machine facility is available out of hours or on occasions where it is necessary to close the telephone line during office hours.
0300 111 8004 (Adults and Children’s Social Care complaints)
0300 111 8000 for other matters
Mini-com users: 01785 276207
You can also write to us at:
Complaints Team
Staffordshire Place 2
Stafford ST16 2DH
You can also get in touch with our customer services contact centre.