Top tips for parents
The Staffordshire SENDIASS - Family Partnership provides information, advice and support for parents/carers in Staffordshire with children with special educational needs.
There is also a lot of information for parents carers about local services available on Staffordshire's Local Offer.
Additionally, there is lots of information on the Stoke Speaks Out website for parents / carers about:
- using nursery rhymes to encourage language
- encourage early literacy skills
- encouraging closeness
- use of a dummy
- talking together
- playing together
- use of eye contact
- communicating with your child
- watching TV together
- English as an additional language
- sensory play
- glue ear
- eating
- concentrating
- breastfeeding
And the Get Hackney Talking website on the following:
- Down Syndrome
- glue Ear
- encouraging clear speech
- play and language
- Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- gesture and signing
- dummies
- English as an Additional Language
- speech sound development
- stammering