Assessment, identification and monitoring
The senior leadership should ensure that:
- There are procedures in place for the senior leadership team to assess how effectively staff are meeting learning needs, for example learning walks and classroom observations.
- There are whole school assessments, tracking and target setting procedures in place for all children/young people that allow staff to identify any children underachieving achieving or not making expected progress, as early as possible.
- There is a whole school system in place:
- to further assess these children to identify the barriers to learning
- to baseline the skills causing concern in order to inform intervention.
- There are processes in place to monitor and record identified children’s progress more closely such as Pupil Progress Reviews and Individual Support Plans using the principles of Assess, Plan , Do Review which include the views of teachers, parents and the child/young person.
- Pupils with SEND make at least expect progress.
- Children and young people are aware of who to approach in lessons and around school to seek help.
- Parents/carers know who to approach in school if they have concerns or information regarding their child’s learning and/or progress.
- There are processes in place in school for sharing information with all staff regarding individual children/young people’s learning.
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