Communication friendly environment
Communication friendly schools ensure that:
- There is a colour-coded map of the school available and clearly displayed.
- There are photos of staff and pupils are displayed in entrance foyers and in each classroom.
- There is a consistent colour coding system is used across the school.
- Children understand the rules and expectations in class and around school.
- There are visual resources (such as visual timetables, symbols etc) displayed in school to support children to understand rules and routines.
- Colourful semantics are used
- Lunchtime supervisors are trained to encourage group activities and social interaction.
- There are alternative locations for play rather than just the playground.
- Classes are organised so that children/young people are seated to face the teacher.
- The school and classrooms are free from clutter.
- There are sensory spaces available for children/young people who need it
For more details on Communication Friendly Checklists please refer to the Communication Trust website.
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