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Curriculum delivery

Class/subjects teachers ensure that:

  • Opportunities are taken to model extended vocabulary and promote incidental learning about structures of language.

  • The instructions in the classroom are clear, concise and consistent; and longer instructions are broken down into smaller steps when required.

  • Pupil names or other pre-arranged cues are used to gain attention.

  • Children/young people who are meeting and exceeding classroom expectations are frequently noticed and specifically praised, as appropriate to individual need. 

  • Teaching is delivered through:

    • Sequential skills that are linked to prior learning.

    • Using meaningful and useful tasks.

    • Ensuring children/young people in the class understand the purpose of the lesson and the desired outcome.

    • Teaching independent learning skills and not taking away the learning opportunity within the lesson.

    • Practical, highly generalisable skills where possible.

    • Provide targeted marking and feedback on identified areas of need.

    • Effective use of peer support and grouping.

  • A range of questioning is used. Questions are used to the best effect and include:

    • Open questions to encourage discussion.

    • Multiple choice questions e.g. ‘tell me 3 things.’

    • Questions that are pitched to challenge.

    • Questions to encourage participation, e.g. who agrees with Grace and why?’

    • Explicit teaching of different types of questioning.

    • Giving the children/young people who need it:

      • warning that you are going to ask them a question

      • time to formulate a response to the question
    • Use of peers and older children.

    • The Blanks model of questioning.

  • There are opportunities for flexible groupings and pairings and children/young people have access to positive language role models for their learning.

  • Inclusive strategies are used, such as:

  • Pupils are given opportunities to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Teaching assistants work as part of a team with the class/subject teacher and are used to deliver structured evidence-based language interventions.

  • Teaching resources are age appropriate, inclusive and relevant and include:

    • Semantic dictionaries.

    • Knowledge organisers.

    • Learning mats.

    • Illustrated glossaries.

  • Praise and rewards are given to requesting support, self-awareness and taking risks with learning as well as for their achievement.


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