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Plan/do - Hearing impairment

  • The pupil should remain part of the mainstream class for all activities, but there may be times when the pupil needs targeted support in a quiet environment.

  • Class or subject teachers are responsible for the progress and support of the pupil. 

  • Key staff need to have a more detailed understanding of deaf awareness, the hearing loss and its impact on the pupil as an individual.  School based training for whole staff, groups of staff or individual staff is provided by the Hearing Impaired Service.  Additional CPD and support may also be requested. 

  • There needs to be a named member of staff in school who will liaise with the Teacher of the Deaf (TOD) and provision needs to be in place if this named person is absent.

  • The TOD will be involved to advise schools on listening classrooms and Quality First Teaching of children with HI. 

  • The TOD may provide resources to support the pupil and provide advice to class teacher and teaching assistant in relation to communication, language and literacy development.  TOD can also model appropriate interaction and advise on social interaction with peers.

  • The pupil may benefit from the provision of a radio aid and advice about this is available from the TOD.

  • Consideration is given to exam arrangements for the young person, in line with JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications www.jcq.org.uk) regulations. For example additional time, access to a live voice with visual access to lip reading cues. 

  • The class teacher considers the following in the planning and delivering of the lessons:

    • Provision of additional time for the completion of work if required

    • As can be used for pre-tutoring through preparing pupils for lessons for example explaining concepts that rely heavily on language for understanding

    • Any emotional and social effects of the HI which need to be identified and addressed

    • Risk assessments are needed for practical activities and off site visits should be undertaken.

  • Support during unstructured times e.g. break times should be provided where needed or where activities are specifically related to hearing.

  • It would be beneficial to develop support through an Individual Support Plan or One Plan including advice from TOD.

  • There should be opportunities to engage with the wider Deaf Community, if required, including deaf role models and involvement with clubs supporting children with hearing impairment

  • School need to ensure that there is access to non-educational provision and that hearing impairment is not a barrier to the inclusion of the child/young person in provision such as after school clubs, school trips etc.


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