Staffordshire Local Area Written Statement of Action
- Partnership roles and responsibilities that that drive improvement or share what works well
- Roles and responsibilities to drive improvement
- United vision and strategic planning to drive improvement
- Effective communication to drive improvement
- Aspirations and expectations for children and young people
- This priority is embedded within the other priorities within the Written Statement of Action.
- Co-production, ‘tell it once’ approach and local area’s relationships with schools.
- Co-production is strong across the local area
- Parents/ carers and families state that the local area listens to them or their child. The 'Tell it once' approach is embedded.
- Co-produced quality, aspirational of EHC plans with effective reviews
- Preparation for Children and young people at transition points
- Arrangements for the review of the children and young people’s needs at transition points between key stages, from one phase of education to another and then into employment/work readiness and independence are effective
- Graduated Response
- A transparent, informative and effective Graduated Response
- Improvement work in schools, alternative provision and the independent sector
- There is effective oversight of improvement work in schools, alternative provision and the independent sector
- Access to the right help and support
- Children and young people and their families have access to the right help and support. Arrangements for accessing some services are clear and transparent.
Priority 1
Leaders in education, health and social care have not worked together to organise roles and responsibilities, establish a united vision and strategic plan, communicate effectively, drive improvement or share what works well.
Vision for the future
Develop a clear Governance Structure which ensures active collaboration, strategic development and joint operations in relation to local area SEND provision between Health, Social Care, Education, schools, children, young people and their families
1.1. Roles and responsibilities to drive improvement
a. Co-produce and clearly define accountability and responsibility descriptors for each layer of the Governance structure including a review of membership.
Lead: Tim Moss/Lynn Tolley
Evidence / Impact: SEND Inclusion & Partnership Group (IPG) ToR & minutes demonstrate clear accountability and a culture of challenge
- December 2019 - Complete
- January 2020 - Complete
- April 2021 - Complete
- December 2021 - Complete
Subgroup action to date:
- February 2021 - Several sub groups, inc Joint Comm and EHCP, have reviewed their ToR inc membership, and delivery plans
- April 2021 - Sub group chairs (Mng Group) to attend meetings of the SEND IPG
- Written statement of action (WSOA) (Monitoring report)
- WSOA presentation
- SEND Governance structure
- Sub Group status reports
- WSOA Position statements
- WSOA Positive Practice Examples
b. Co-produce a comprehensive Performance Framework to ensure strategic governance is effective and accountabilities are clear
Lead: Lynsey Bissell
Evidence / Impact: Performance reports produced, at least termly, demonstrating a culture of challenge and accountability.
- December 2019 - Complete
- January 2020 - Complete
- April 2021 - Complete
- December 2021 - Complete
Sub group action to date:
- February 2021 - Monthly performance (SEND) presented to SEND IPG
- Performance reports to SIPG
- Performance framework
- Power BI reports
c. Establish SEND sub-groups which report (to the IPG) and ensure pace of change
Lead:Tim Moss / Lynn Tolley
Evidence / impact:Sub-groups and agreed reporting structures are in place and linked to service development plans.
- December 2019 - Complete
- January 2020 - Complete
- April 2021 - complete
- December 2021 - Complete
Sub group action to date:
- February 2021: : Early Years Sub Group currently being chaired by Emma Dodd (Sn EP) and taking a lead on the group's joint focus of Early Years and SEND, reporting to the EYAB and to the management group, which then reports to the S&IPG. Develop action plan at next meeting:
- Transition guidance document developed
- Develop links with SEND locality hubs
- Develop work on case studies
- As above
d. Establish appropriate resources and capacity across the partnership
Needs to include:
- LA permanent Lead for Education
- LA permanent Head of Vulnerable Learners
- CCG Children's Commissioner
- Project management secured to support the development and implementation of the action plans
Lead:Tim Moss / Lynn Tolley
Evidence / impact: Strategic lead posts recruited to and driving implementation of action plans
- December 2019 - Complete
- January 2020 - Complete
- April 2021 - complete
- December 2021 - Complete
Sub group action to date:
- December 2021 - Following Children's Transformation (October 2021), a new Head of SEND has been appointed.
e. Local area continues to explore good practice and national research to influence developments
Lead:Tim Moss / Lynn Tolley
Evidence / impact: SEND IPG mins and feedback from service areas. WSoA positive practice examples received and in EB.
- December 2019 - In progress
- January 2020 - Complete
- April 2021 - complete
- December 2021 - Complete
- WSoA Positive Practice examples
1.2. United vision and strategic planning to drive improvement
a. Develop and agree a shared SEND JSNA. Use our needs analysis intelligence to inform commissioning, policy and practice
Lead: Wendy Tompson
Evidence / impact: JSNA meeting minutes, policies and practice guidance
- December 2019 - In progress
- January 2020 - In progress
- April 2021 - complete
- December 2021 - Complete
Sub group action to date:
- February 2021 - Joint Comm sub group report is ongoing Apr 21: NM reported that JSNA is responsibility of JC Group and monitored via the ongoing JC Action Plan. Dec 2021: SEND JSNA completed (See link in Priority 4 Position Statement)
- JSNA (SEND focus)
- Position Statement 4 (EHC)