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Early years settings

Early Years settings will assess and monitor children’s communication development following age and stages as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

Settings will talk to parents about a childs development, their progress and their needs and put in place activities to support this development. They can share ideas about what parents can do in the home to support language development.

Where a child is not reaching typical development, the practitioners should observe and make notes of the areas in which the child is having difficulty. The Practitioner should share their concerns with the Early Years Setting SENCo and speak to parents about the needs of the child. When the practitioner speaks to the parent, they should discuss any medical history (e.g. prematurity, Ear, Nose and throat difficulties such as Glue ear), check if the child has had a hearing test and find out if there is any family history of SLCN.

Settings use screening tools to assess a childs needs, put in place a plan with targets, using the  Staged Pathway, to meet a childs needs and monitor this plan, making a note of progress or ongoing difficulties.

Activities will be planned to support the area of difficulty and this will be reviewed after a period to see how the child is progressing and if they need any other support. Parents should be encouraged to carry out activities at home

Each Early Years setting will have an Early Years SENCo–special educational needs coordinator for the setting. They can provide advice on meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They will plan and monitor the support to be put in place for individual children. SENCos support staff in the setting to put this support in place, liaise with parents and other agencies if required.

Government's website - Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

Stoke Speaks Out - Staged pathway

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