Speech and Language therapy team
Speech and Language Therapists work with children who may have ongoing difficulties with things like: understanding language, interacting and communicating, speech sounds; stammering.
How can they help? They are qualified to assess and treat SLCN, give advice to parents and early years settings on how to meet a child’s needs.. They may support parents in getting a diagnosis or refer on to other relevant services for support. Following a referral the service will contact the family to explain the support they can provide locally.
Giving voice - Speech and Language Therapists
Speech and Language UK - How can they help?
More information can be gained by emailing:
Stoke and North/West Staffordshire - sltnorth.admin@mpft.nhs.uk
South/West Staffordshire - SLTPaedSouthWestadmin@mpft.nhs.uk
Information on speech and language assessments
Encourage parents to attend appointments with specialist services and share any advice they receive.
Early years settings should maintain contact with a child’s speech and language therapist and put in place the interventions they suggest as part of day to day learning. It helps if practitioners can attend appointments to gain the information and skills they need to implement the support.
Speech and Language UK - information on speech and language assessments