Permit parking scheme information
General information regarding permit parking schemes and how they operate
A property occupier has no special claim to the road space in front of their home, however it is reasonable to be able to park relatively close to one’s property assisting accessibility and heightening a sense of security.
The placement of cones / wheelie bins etc., in the road outside a property (to prevent other people parking there) is an obstruction of the highway. This action may be considered a criminal offence contrary to S137 of the Highways Act 1980. The police can be contacted on their 101 non-emergency number if this behaviour is observed.
A permit parking scheme (PPS) is where parking space in an area is reserved for the benefit of permit holders whom are, generally, local property occupiers. To park there a vehicle must normally display a permit issued by the Highway Authority (HA).
PPS’s are used in areas where properties have limited access to off-street parking and parking on-street is difficult due to non-residents whom park for extended periods of time, generally during the working day.
Proposed PPS’s may start with a consultation of all property occupiers. A majority of occupiers need to support the proposal for a scheme to progress. Majority support can be difficult to achieve where some properties have off-street parking facilities.
PPS’s are used to exclude non-permit holder’s vehicles between specific times and generally operate between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday.
A PPS would not be considered unless there was sufficient and safe, on-street parking space available to allow a minimum of one permit to be issued to each residential and business property within the scheme area.
PPS’s cannot reduce the number of vehicles owned by residents and are not a solution that the HA can use to resolve neighbourhood parking issues.
It is a contravention of the Traffic Regulation Order to park within a PPS during any time that the scheme is operational without displaying a permit. Specific exceptions apply.
Civil Enforcement Officers monitor PPS’s and may issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) to parked vehicles that are not displaying a valid permit.
Permit application forms are available online.
Each household in the scheme will normally be entitled to one permit. A second permit may be issued where road space and permit demand allow.
Applications should normally be made by the premises occupier although we do understand that there are occasions when a relative, friend or care provider service may need to apply on someone’s behalf.
To qualify for a permit, you will need to provide supporting documentation that shows that you live / work / own a property within the schemes area and that you are responsible for the vehicle. Documents should show your name and address.
Please be aware that for operational reasons, it is possible that there will be occasions when the HA may be unable to issue a permit.
Permits issued to scheme members cannot be transferred from one member to another or to the new occupants of premises. Prospective scheme members will need to make their own applications and provide the required supporting documentation.
The annual charge for a permit is about £50. This charge normally increases annually in line with the rate of inflation.
A one-off scheme joining fee is levied per household. Our experience indicates that this is normally about £50, although it could be higher.
The annual charge for a permit goes towards the costs of enforcing a parking scheme that removes the existing legal rights of some motorists to park there. If a specific group of motorists are to be prohibited from parking on a street, then those motorists whom benefit from this action should expect to pay towards the costs of enforcing the scheme. The HA does not have to provide these schemes and other council tax payers should not be expected to meet the schemes full operating costs.
The joining fee contributes towards the costs of implementing & maintaining a PPS i.e. Traffic Orders, road signs, road markings, minor constructional works etc. This fee will vary between schemes due to the size of a scheme, the layout of the existing highway infrastructure and the number of properties involved.
Payment can be made by phone with a debit/credit card, although cheques are acceptable.
- Permits specifically for use by a blue badge holder will be issued free of charge.
- Permits specifically for the use of an authorised carer will be issued free of charge.
- Permits specifically for the use of a senior citizen will receive a 50% discount.
Permits are issued on an annual basis and refunds are not given for part year usage due to the high costs incurred for administering these schemes.
Renewing a permit
Permit renewal is your responsibility, we do not issue reminders. Please renew the permit online. A minimum of 10 working days is required to process and post the renewed permit following receipt of a satisfactory renewal application and once payment has been made.
Other property or vehicles
Permit issue for a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) is similar to other residencies, although priority will be afforded to second permit issue where more than four persons reside. Although the HA will act flexibly if road space allows it to, HMO occupants must be aware that the HA cannot issue a permit to every vehicle owner living within an HMO and permit issue will be on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
Rental property owners may purchase their own permit to park within a scheme.
If a business is run from a residential property, only residential (not business) permits will be issued.
Motorcycles do not require a permit due to the difficulties in displaying it.
Camper vans and motor homes are acceptable, however if there are marked bays within the scheme and your vehicle is too big to fit into one of them, then we cannot issue a permit and parking there may result in the issue of a PCN.
Light commercial vehicles with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tonnes are acceptable, however if bays are marked within the scheme and the vehicle is too big to fit into one of them, then we cannot issue a permit and parking there may result in the issue of a PCN.
Tradesmen may purchase a Temporary Parking Waiver to park within the scheme (5 working days’ notice required), otherwise they may be able to borrow the house holders permit.
Vehicles may park for loading / unloading purposes (unless signs indicate otherwise), however active loading or unloading must be occurring and the vehicle must be removed as soon as the task is completed.
If you inform us in good time about the date, time and duration of a wedding or a funeral, official vehicles actively participating in the event will be allowed to park without displaying a permit.
We cannot guarantee that a parking space will be available at all times, however we do try to ensure that the ratio of permits to spaces is appropriate.
Permits are not transferable between schemes, if you move to a new address within a different scheme, a new application and payment will be required. A new address within the same scheme will not require a new permit.
A change of vehicle may require a new permit. An administration charge will apply.
Lost, stolen or damaged permits can be replaced. An administration charge will apply.
The HA may amend the area covered by a PPS, or its times of operation.
The HA may, by seeking agreement from scheme members, terminate a PPS.