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Mental health in children



  • Annual Staffordshire CAMHS referrals reported by Staffordshire’s local trusts have increased year-on-year from around 6,400 in 2015/16 to 10,500 in 2019/20.  Anecdotally providers are continuing to report increases, with the picture worsening as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Published data supports this assumption, with mental health referrals (age 0-18) increasing for all Staffordshire CCGs -  all of which are now above pre-pandemic levels.

Referrals starting in reporting period aged 0-18 years (MHS32a)

Mental Health in Children1


Source:  NHS Digital

Mental health in young people - admissions

  • Mental health is a top concern (24%) among Staffordshire’s young people (aged 11-18, Make Your Mark Survey 2020). It is also the most common factor in Children's Social Care assessments – half of assessments cited this as a factor (2020/21).

  • Overall mental health hospital admissions in children (85.5 per 100,000) remains similar to national. However, there were 695 self-harm admissions to hospital in 2019/20 (age 10-24).

  • Rates also rising since 2017 and higher than national - up to 493 per 100,000 in 2019/20, from 425 per 100,000 in 2017/18. More recent unpublished data does show a fall in admissions, similar to national, however this likely to be attributed to the impact of COVID-19.

  • Local survey research also verifies that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on children's mental health - 61% of under 35's were worried about their mental wellbeing, compared to 25% aged 65+ (Staffordshire COVID-19 Resident Survey).

Hospital admissions as a result of self-harm (10-24 years)

Mental Health in Children2


Source: Hospital Episode Statistics, HSCIC / Public Health England

"With additional stress of unemployment, stretched finances, additional childcare responsibilities, illness and isolation, this is likely to escalate the requirement for support."

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