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Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment 2021

This Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment (JSNA) sets out current and future strategic health and care needs in Staffordshire to inform and guide strategy, commissioning and decision making. It provides a strategic assessment of the population’s needs through a shared evidence base. This year, reporting has been expanded to reflect the wider system and bring together assets, strengths and needs of Staffordshire’s population.

This reporting is complemented by a range of other products – e.g. thematic analysis and reports, data matrices and dashboards. Our approach included the review of existing statistical analysis and regular outcome surveillance of 100+ core performance measures. A large proportion of the data relates to the period prior to COVID-19 (2019/20); therefore our analysis includes limited evidence of COVID-19 impact. Where possible, we have supplemented this with local commissioning, hospital, and qualitative data to help understand the impact of the pandemic.

JSNA Analysis by category 

Despite recent progress, ongoing data surveillance confirms a number of key issues for Staffordshire, similar to previous, where improvement is required.

  • Wider Determinants (education/exclusions, crime, housing & fuel poverty)
  • Healthy Lifestyles (excess weight, physical activity)
  • Mental Health
  • Alcohol Misuse
  • Parental and Infant Health (infant mortality)
  • Ageing Well
  • Social Care Demand
  • COVID-19 impact on services and outcomes

This JSNA compromises of further analysis for each of the key issues, set out in categories by life course.

starting wellgrowing wellliving wellageing wellending wellstaffordshire as a place to livetargeting needyear 1 covid-19 impactstaffordshire's strengths and assets

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