Mental health in adults
- In Staffordshire there were 1 in 3 (33%) emergency hospital admissions for adults with a mental health diagnosis in 2020/21 – lower than national. East Staffordshire and Tamworth have the highest admission rates & statistically higher than national. Tamworth also having higher than average GP recorded depression.
- Staffordshire also has the 5th highest rate among similar authorities for emergency admissions for intentional self-harm (all ages). Newcastle, Stafford and Cannock Chase among the highest in the West Midlands.
- More recent unpublished data (2020/21) sees a general fall in admissions due to COVID-19 with rates similar to national, however Stafford and Tamworth remain high.
Emergency admissions to hospital for adults (age 20+) with a mental health diagnosis in any diagnosis field, 2020/21
Source: Hospital Episode Statistics, HSCIC / ONS Population Estimates
There are nearly 95 suicides in Staffordshire each year, with rates of suicide rising to 12.2 per 100,000 (2018-20) and higher than national (10.4 per 100,000).
Three quarters of deaths from suicides in Staffordshire are males, yet the suicide rate in females is increasing and higher than national.
Those aged 30-59 are overrepresented in suicides, with 57% of suicides coming from 44% of the Staffordshire population.
Trends in the rates of suicide
Source: Office for National Statistics
GP recorded depression
- GP recorded depression (12%) in Staffordshire adults continues to increase – a trend that has doubled since 2012/13 and is higher than national.
- Positively there are lower levels of GP recorded severe mental illness.
- Over half of Staffordshire’s districts have higher than average GP recorded depression - Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands, Tamworth, Cannock Chase and Newcastle.
Trends in GP recorded depression
Source: Quality and Outcome Framework, NHS Digital
GP recorded depression in adults aged 18+ (2019/20)
Note: High rates may indicate a high underlying pathology, but alternatively could be due to local recording practice.