Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I have to book the service?
By operating a pre-booking service we can plan ahead to ensure our drivers travel the most effective route to pick up passengers.
I can't walk very far, or I use a wheelchair, can I use the service?
All of the buses are wheelchair accessible. The buses pick people up from their homes to enable those with mobility difficulties to access the service.
Can the bus be used by people with pushchairs or buggies?
Yes. There is room for pushchairs or buggies.
Can I bring my bike on the bus?
Yes. Please mention that you will be bringing your bike on the bus at the time of making your booking.
Can I take my dog on the bus?
Yes. Well behaved dogs are welcome.
Why don't you cover...?
For our buses to be cost effective and maximise the number of journeys they can make in a day, they can only cover the agreed area. Extending this area would spread them too thinly.