Newcastle under Lyme scheme
We asked for your views on the following improvements; of which the level of support of strongly to somewhat agree was:
- 73% - Two-way direction cycle lane on George St. to Hassell St.
- 67% - Footway / cycleway in grass opposite John Street
- 90% - Resurface footways
- 50% - Relocate loading bay from George St. to Albert St.
- 53% - Remove short stretch of car parking
- 81% - Provide secure cycle parking in town centre
- 62% - Slow down traffic to 20mph
Having received your support, we are happy to report that we will be taking all of the above improvements forward into the next phase of delivery – detail design.
We will update you again once we have further detail about the designs and delivery timescale.
Downloadable infographic
A downloadable version of the above information is available below in the form of an infographic.