Community and voluntary schemes
These are one of the most flexible forms of transport. There are currently several schemes operating across the county.
The schemes run alongside existing public transport. To maintain public services you should always try to use them wherever possible.
Please note: There are no specific booking times for any of the voluntary schemes listed. If a volunteer driver is available they will offer you transport.
To view the schemes closest to you, select the appropriate area:
Types of schemes
Voluntary car schemes
These schemes are usually run by local people for local people. Journeys are available to anyone unable to access public transport.
The drivers are all volunteers. They use their own cars for a small contribution towards running costs.
The driver picks you up from your home. They will take you to your pre-booked destination and bring you back again if required.
Community transport schemes
These are local non-profit schemes. They can be journeys using a:
- car
- minibus
- adapted vehicle
Passengers must register beforehand. Journeys can offer trips for shopping, to a day centre, luncheon club and days out.
A combination of paid and voluntary staff support these schemes. They have fare schemes depending upon the type of journey and distance.
How do I volunteer?
Please contact us to see how to set up a scheme.