060219 Response from Matthew Ellis to the Draft Policing Service Budget and Precept
Matthew Ellis
Staffordshire Commissioner for Police | Fire and Rescue | Crime
Councillor Stephen Sweeney
Chairman of Staffordshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel
County Buildings
Martin Street
ST16 2LH
6 February 2019
Dear Chairman,
Re: The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire’s draft policing service budget and precept for 2019/20.
Thank you for your letter received on the 1 February 2019, and your resolve to support the Precept and Revenue Budget for 2019/20.
The comments are noted around staffing numbers and deployment and the need for a future workshop to be held, to provide more clarify on these issues and to fully meet the needs of the panel. I also note the importance of both communicating and demonstrating to communities within Staffordshire and Stoke-on- Trent the need for, and use of, the additional £24 per household per annum through precept in 2019/20.
I thank you for your consideration in the above matter.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Ellis
Staffordshire Commissioner - Police, Fire and Rescue, Crime
Staffordshire Commissioners Office, Ground Floor, Block 9, Weston Road, Stafford ST18 0YY
Contact us: 01785 232385
Twitter: @StaffsPFCC