Transparency overview
Transparency data
The Local Government Transparency Code sets out the key information that local authorities are expected to publish to:
“increase democratic accountability and make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision-making process and help shape public services.”
Transparency data we publish includes:
As a minimum we publish mandatory data required by the code if this data is recorded for our own business purposes and can be exported from our systems.
Data is published at the required intervals i.e. monthly, quarterly or annually as required by the code. We are expected to publish data within a month of the 'effective date'. However, the requirements of the code are not always consistent with other legal requirements or processes. For example, some annually published financial data will not be published until the appropriate accounting procedures have been completed.
Information and data that the council is required to publish under other legislation or regulations is also made available on our website, such as gender pay gap data and payment performance data. Links published on our website where data is published elsewhere, for example, environmental data falling within scope of the INSPIRE regulations.
Data we do not publish
We do not publish data for functions for which the county council is not responsible. For example, we are not responsible for social housing i.e. functions and activities carried out by other Staffordshire local authorities.
We do not publish data which if disclosed may breach data protection principles. If practicable, we will publish anonymised, or redacted data. Nor do we publish data falling within one or more of the Freedom of Information Act exemptions or Environmental Information Regulations exceptions.