Ordnance Survey Licensing
Staffordshire County Council is a member of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). In order for us to provide mapping to third parties the third party needs to be properly licensed for the same Licensed Data and area of coverage, or where appropriate enter into a licence agreement.
Contractor Licensing
The terms of the Licence must be accepted before we can provide mapping to a person or organisation formally or contractually required to deliver outputs on the county councils behalf.
It is a requirement of the PSGA that a Standard Form Contractor Licence is issued to the contractor to ensure they adhere to the PSGA licensing terms. This establishes and governs the contractual relationship between SCC and the contractor, and aims to set out the responsibilities of both parties.
It is important this is done as early as possible in the project timescales to ensure the required mapping can be provided at the appropriate point in the project. These requirements also apply when requesting Ordnance Survey derived datasets. Access to the mapping will only be allowed for a specific, time limited project and for the geographical area required.
To obtain this licence please complete the Standard Form Contractor Licence Online Application, within which you will be required to accept the conditions of the Standard Form Contractor Licence. Please ensure you understand the terms of this licence prior to submitting the form.
End User Licensing
The PSGA allows Staffordshire County Council to share Licensed Data (including Ordnance Survey Derived Data) with a person/organisation that we do not have contractual links with, but where the project/activity being undertaken delivers or supports the delivery of SCC's core business.
The third party must first enter into a Public Sector End User Licence which grants use of the Licensed Data for a specific project/activity which must be necessary for delivering or supporting Staffordshire County Council's core business.
To request mapping under the Public Sector End User Licence you must first complete the Public Sector End User Licence Agreement Form, within which you will be required to accept the conditions of the Public Sector End User Licence. Please ensure you understand the terms of this licence prior to submitting the form.
Please note: You do not need to complete the Public Sector End User Licence Agreement Form if you are a member of the public requesting a single map showing County Council data, or if you are a third party that is already licensed for the same Ordnance Survey product and geographical area that the information you are requesting has been generated from (a paper copying licence is not sufficient). In these instances please contact psga@staffordshire.gov.uk or the relevant department for assistance.
Additional Information
Staffordshire County Council is required to keep accurate and full records of Ordnance Survey data sharing, therefore all details of requests for mapping will be held by Staffordshire County Council, and may be requested by Ordnance Survey for audit purposes.
Some departments charge a fee for the provision of mapping information – this is to cover the administrative costs of responding to your request.