Capacity Tracker
This webpage is designed to answer frequently asked questions about the Capacity Tracker, raised by adult social care providers.
The Capacity Tracker, along with a lot of information and useful tips can be accessed below
Capacity Tracker
- Answer:
- Adult social care providers who are regulated by the Care Quality Commission need to routinely update the Capacity Tracker, for example care homes, home care and supported living.
- Answer:
To comply with the mandate, the Capacity Tracker should be updated at least once during the designated 7-day reporting window.
The window opens at the start of the eighth day of each month.
The window typically closed at the end of the fourteenth day of each month, unless this is a Sunday or Bank Holiday meaning you should update by the end of the next working day.
The start date and end date are included.
- Answer:
- Failure to provide the information in accordance with the requirements will amount to a breach of the duty under section 277A to provide the information.
If you do not complete the Capacity Tracker, you will be contacted by colleagues from NECS to help and support you, in the first instance.
If you do not complete the Capacity Tracker you may be issued with a financial penalty, in one of the following circumstances:
- Not completed the Capacity Tracker for 3 consecutive months.
- Not completed the Capacity Tracker for 4 or more months in a 12-month window.
In the first instance, a Notice of Intent will be issued by the NHS Business Services Authority. Individual circumstances and reasons for not completing the Capacity Tracker will be considered.
- Answer:
- Certain information about a location is driven by CQC intelligence, for example, if a location is no longer operational or has a new owner.
It is really important you keep CQC up to date with any changes:
Phone: 03000 616161
If you don’t keep your information up to date, you risk getting a penalty.
If a person leaves, you should contact the Capacity Tracker Team to update the account details (see the contact details below)
Where can I find information and support?
There is lots of information and support available from the Capacity Tracker Team (including amendments and admin queries):
Phone: 0191 691 3729
If you require support on answering specific questions:
Top tips!
- The Capacity Tracker Team, and partners, regularly run webinars to support adult social care providers – information can be found when you log on.
- There should be more than one person who can update the Capacity Tracker, including if someone is on holiday or unwell.
- You can’t access the Capacity Tracker outside the UK.
- If you are not currently supporting anybody, you still need to update the Capacity Tracker during the 7-day window, by completing a nil return.
- If you have a care home and provide home care support, you need to complete a return for each care type.
- If you have more than one location / setting, you need to complete a return for each one.