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Information for providers

Latest Updates - 10 June 2024

Annual Social Care Strategy Survey's are live!

Do you work in adult social care and/or represent a provider/organisation?  If so, we want to hear from you about what life is like as part of our annual surveys, by Friday 19 July 2024.

If you are an individual, you can have your say using the Workforce Survey: https://forms.office.com/e/fAwUzCRB1c

If you are an provider / organisation, you can let us know where you are on the strength's-based journey, using our self-assessment tool: https://forms.office.com/e/WiRWipD2mG

International Recruitment - Grant Funding for regulated care settings to support training 

Regulated care providers across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent are eligible to apply for small grant funding to support the delivery of training to support international recruitment.  Please note, applications can only be accepted until 28 June 2024.

Please see the information pack for further information: IR ASC Small Grant Funding Complete Doc PDF (2) (443 KB).

If you have any questions or queries, please contact FSCWProgramme@staffordshire.gov.uk

See our latest update below 

Welcome to our information for adult social care providers webpages. 

These pages are designed to provide information, advice and guidance to adult social care providers who are currently operating in Staffordshire, providing care and support, or are potentially interested in doing so.

Adult social care in Staffordshire - monthly update  

Richard HarlingMessage from Dr Richard Harling, Director of Health and Care
(Director of Public Health and Director of Adult Social Services) 

20 June 2024

Welcome to this edition of your Health and Care update.

1)  As the year reaches its midpoint, I want to acknowledge your continued dedication and contribution to your staff and our care recipients. Next month we will mark the 10 year anniversary for the Staffordshire Dignity in Care Awards, I look forward to celebrating with the nominees and recognising their achievements.

Please read on for the latest updates and developments in the Adult Care Market.

2)  Supporting Safer Visiting

Find out more about how to keep you and your staff safe when visiting care homes during infectious illness outbreaks.

Click here to find out more

3)  Covid-19 Treatment Eligibility Update

Following a NICE update to guidance in March 2024 about who is eligible for COVID-19 treatments, in the event they receive a positive LFD test, please see the attached information to support care home residents.

Click here to find out more (206KB)

4)  Share your pandemic stories this Carers Week with Every Story Matters

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is encouraging carers across the UK to share their pandemic experiences as part of Every Story Matters.

Click here to share your story

5)  International Recruitment – grant funding to support training

Don’t forget, small grant funding to financially contribute towards ‘culturally sensitive’ to support our international recruits is available until 28 June 2024.  Please see the supporting information for further detail and links to the application form.

Click here for more information  

6)  Immigration Q&A

West Midlands International Recruitment Hub are hosting a live Q&A session with Edward O Brien, an Immigration Specialist, this is a chance to get your questions answered.

Last date available: Tuesday 27 June, 2024 10:00

Click here to book

7)  Recruitment Induction toolkit

Skills for Care has developed a toolkit to help managers plan and deliver a high-quality induction that fully supports new starters to quickly settle into their roles.

Click here to get your toolkit

8)  Annual Workforce Engagement

It’s that time once again, we want to hear from you to help support our workforce to grow and be the best they can be.  We would really welcome your feedback by Friday 19 July 2024, please help us spread the word!

Complete the Individual Workforce Survey here  
Complete the Organisational Self-Assessment here

9)  Valuing social care in nursing education event

Skills for Care are delighted to be partnering with the University of Salford to explore the value of social care in nursing education
This event brings together social care nursing, social care providers, academics and programme leads to consider the opportunities in the wide social care landscape across adult, mental health and learning disability as well as nursing associates.

Face to face event Thursday 18 July 2024, 09:30 - 15:30 University of Salford, Greater Manchester

Click here for more information, or to book your space:

10)  Apprenticeship Levy

Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to upskill your current workforce and new recruits. Applications for the levy portal are now open. This portal will close on 2 August, 2024

Click here to apply:
Click here to download the information:

11) Skills for Care Digital Skills

Skills for Care have launched their free bitesize Digital Skills eLearning modules, in line with the Digital Skills Framework. The modules are designed to support people working in adult social care to gain knowledge and understanding on how digital, data and technology is used in the sector.

12) FREE Clinical Supervision Training

The Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) and NHS England are offering a fully funded programme of Resilience-based Clinical Supervision training specifically for nurses and nurse associates in the social care sector in England.

Booking and programme information can be found on their website and in the FAQ document. There is an online information event for interested managers on 1July 2024 at 15.30-16.30, which may be accessed via this Microsoft Teams link: Join the meeting now   

For further information please contact the Project Lead, Sue Hill, at sue.hill@fons.org

13) Field safety notice, national patient safety alert, device safety information, and medicines recall/notification

Click here to sign up to regular updates on field notices

Past editions

If you are interested in accessing past editions of the 'Adult social care in Staffordshire – monthly briefing', please email your request to: 


We value your input regarding the content, layout, and practicality of these pages, as well as any recommendations for enhancing them. Please don't hesitate to share your feedback with us via email on: asccommunications@staffordshire.gov.uk


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