Section 26 of the Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015 states that local authorities are deemed as specified authorities and as such are responsible for the implementation of the Prevent Duty - “in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
What is Prevent?
Prevent is part of the national counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism and extremism. This includes:
Challenging ideology - All terrorist groups have an ideology and frequently use the internet to air their views
Supporting vulnerable people - Radicalisation is a process, not one event and during that process it is possible to intervene and safeguard the vulnerable.
Working with key sectors - A wide range of agencies are working to help deliver Prevent, including education, health, faith, criminal justice and charities.
Please refer to the Home Office website for additional information on the Prevent Duty.
Further information:
If you have any concerns please visit the ACT Early website to find out more about the signs that someone may be vulnerable to radicalisation.
There is also a range of telephone numbers for members of the public who are concerned about individuals who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism: