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Community safety priorities

One of the outcomes in the Strategic Plan is:

"Staffordshire is a place where people can live safely - increasingly free from crime, the causes of crime and the fear of crime."

These pages provide more information about how we are working in partnership to achieve this outcome.

Top priorities

Local research and analysis have highlighted that the top priorities for community safety in Staffordshire are:

  • Domestic Abuse including DHRs
  • Modern Slavery
  • Counterterrorism
  • Hate Crime
  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Child Exploitation

These priorities will be addressed through the Staffordshire Community Safety Agreement (2021-2023).

Other priorities are considered based on the Strategic Assessment which is refreshed annually.

Police and Crime Commissioner

The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act, includes the provision to replace Police Authorities in England and Wales with directly elected Police & Crime Commissioners (PCCs).

Police and Crime Commissioners are responsible for:

  • Appointing the Chief Constable and holding them to account for the running of their force.
  • Setting out a 5-year Police and Crime Plan based on local priorities.
  • Setting the annual local precept and annual force budget; and
  • Making grants to organisations aside from the police (including, but not limited to, Community Safety Partnerships).

More information can be found at the Staffordshire Police and Crime Commissioner's website.

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