Local services
Local services
Everyone Health offer a free healthy lifestyle service to Staffordshire residents, to help them lose weight and get more active. For more information, please visit their website, call 0333 005 0095 or email eh.staffs@nhs.net.
It’s important that you take care of your mind as well as your body and to get further support if you need it.
You can find further information and support from local organisations on the Staffordshire Connects online directory
If you want to be more active the Activity Finder will help you find a range of activities in Staffordshire, or use the ‘live’ and ‘on demand’ searches and be active at home.
Cannock Chase Can is a local programme to help Cannock Chase residents improve their health and wellbeing. For further information, updates and developments visit their website or Facebook page ‘Cannock Chase Can’.