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Fees and charges

There is no charge for access to the library's reading rooms or for the personal consultation of library materials

The following list contains details on the fees and charges levied for reproductions from the William Salt Library.

Information on how to make a payment can be found at the bottom of this page.

Copying Services


Orders identified and placed by personal visitors

to reading rooms: £1.50 (£1.24+£0.26 VAT) per copy.


Orders placed by post/email:

 £5-00 (£4-17+£0.83 VAT)  incl. UK  postage for first copy.  Successive copies on the same order: £1.50 (£1.24+£0.26 VAT).

Additional postage will be charged on UK orders exceeding 100 grams.  Postage on international orders will be charged at current rates.

Staffordshire Views

Paper copies: variable between £4 and £12 
depending on paper quality 

Digital (scanned) images by CD or download £10 for first image; £5 for subsequent images
Scanned images - paper copies £4 - £12 depending on paper quality
Digital images from newspapers for download £10 for first image £5 per subsequent image with larger orders agreed by negotiation 
In house Photographic services

£36 plus additional charges at current rate for images supplied on CD or by download

Additional charge of £10 on any order involving conservation team


Photographic permits for use of a hand held camera

Daily permit: £8.00

Annual permit: £50 

Specialist private photography Proportion of staff time required to facilitate photography based on current research fee scale 
Commercial photography or microfilm handling fee £50 with reservation to charge an additional proportion of research fee in the case of complex orders

Reproduction Facility 

Commercial publication or exhibition in hard copy £50 for a single item and £30 for each additional item 
Commercial publication or exhibition in hard copy, including websites and e-book rights £50 for a single item and £30 for each additional item plus £50 per order
Commercial publication in only digital format £50 per order
Multiple commercial publications including:
Greetings cards
Dust jackets
and Publicity leaflets
£40 - £150 determined by length of the print run 
Community publication or community exhibition £15 for a single item and £5 for each additional item
Publication on website (by licence) £50 for a single item and £30 for each additional item
Publication on community website
(by licence)
£15 for first item and £5 for each subsequent item

Television to include worldwide rights

£200 for first item and £80 for each additional item
Media website publication including commercial DVD £200 for first item and £80 for each additional item
Use of the Library building for interior filming £180 per half day
Staff Facilitation Fee £36 per hour (Charged in half hour blocks)

Talks, Visits and Research

Talks included in talks programme

£50 County/City

£60 Out of county plus travel expenses

Visits - weekday £50 (including adult education classes)
Visits - Saturdays £50 plus £32 per hour staff facilitation fee
Standard research fee £32 per hour to include up to four copies and postage on first hours research

Reproductions are also available from the Staffordshire Views Collection. There is a separate list of fees available for this service.

Permissions to publish

The Trustees reserve the right to charge an adminstration fee of £5 for handling requests for permissions to publish items from privately owned collections. 

Methods of payment for prints of Staffordshire Views, reproduction fees, photography, digital orders and publications only

UK orders: by cheque or postal order. These should be made payable to "William Salt Library". Payments can also be made electronically by bank to bank transfer. Further details on this process will be provided on request.

Overseas orders: in pounds sterling by bankers' draft or international money order. These should be made payable to "William Salt Library".  Payments can also be made electronically by bank to bank transfer. Further details on this process will be provided on request.

Methods of payment for Photocopying only

UK and Overseas orders: payment by Credit/Debit card

For online payments for copies and research only and please visit the online payments website

  1. Click on the link to take you to the Online payments page
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, select Records Office, Performing Arts and Resource Centre, make a Records Office, performing arts or resource centre payment and click on that
  3. Click on the box marked payment type and select SRO RESEARCH  for payments for research, and SRO PHOTOCOPYING  for payments for photocopies. For orders which contain both they can be added separately.
  4. In reference please add your order number (see your order notification for your order number).
  5. In amount add the amount of your payment. Do not use the £ sign and include it as a decimal amount e.g. 22.00 or 0.95
  6. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until you have entered all parts of your payment
  7. Fill in your credit or debit card details.  Note that you should enter your credit card number without any gaps between the digits.  If your card has no issue number, simply leave that field blank.
  8. Fill in the Payer Details, all details except Area should be completed. Details of address should be as they appear on the statement. Click on Accept to confirm the payment.
  9. If the card details are correct the system will then ask for confirmation. If the details are incorrect a message will be displayed indicating where the error has occurred.
  10. Click on Accept, if the transaction is accepted an authorisation code will appear at the top left hand corner of the screen which is also your receipt of payment. Please print or save this for your records.

Payments will be processed the next working day and orders will be sent out once payment has cleared.

If you have problems using our online payments website please contact us by email and we will send you a payment method form and process the payment on your behalf, where the customer is not present.

UK orders only : payment by cheque or postal order. These should be made payable to "Staffordshire County Council".

Overseas orders only: payment in pounds sterling only by bankers' draft or international money order. These should be made payable to "Staffordshire County Council".

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