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Highways Agreements

Highway Works application forms

Our Highway Works Agreement application forms are now only available online and you can find details about them in the application packs further down this page.

Please be aware, if an old Microsoft Word application form is submitted to us, you will be asked to re-submit the application via our online form and it won't be progressed further.

A highway work agreement legally allows a person or organisation to carry out proposed construction works on the highway and are usually related to new development sites.

Types of highway agreements

There are 3 main types of agreements:

Major work agreement

These are for highway improvements such as a new road alignment, roundabout, traffic signal controlled junction, etc.

They are carried out under Section 278 Highways Act 1980 if we are the employer of the works contract or Section 111 Local Government Act 1972 and Section 130 Highways Act 1980 if the developer is the employer of the works contract. We will decide which method to use following an application. 

Minor work agreement

These are for smaller works such as footway improvements, a new bell-mouth access, etc.

They are also carried out under S111 Local Government Act 1972 and section 130 Highways Act 1980.

New Road(s) Agreement

These are for a newly constructed road that would be prospectively publically maintainable.

They are carried out under a Section 38 Highways Act 1980. If this type of agreement is required, then certain criteria concerning the detailed engineering design of the roads and footways, street lighting and drainage must also be met before a Section 38 agreement can be undertaken, as governed by Section 7 of the Staffordshire Act 1983.

Please refer to our Agreements flowchart (347 KB) to identify which agreement you may need. 

How much do they cost?

A minor agreement costs £3,265 per agreement.

A major agreement (either S111 or S278) attracts an upfront fee of between £16,000 and up to 7% of the value of the overall scheme. This covers preliminary design work and also any abortive costs should the agreement not complete. The full major agreement will cost more than this depending upon the type and scale of the scheme.

How can I apply?

New road agreement (Section 38)

Email us on road.adoptions@staffordshire.gov.uk 

Minor works agreement

Please find the link below to the information pack. You should read this prior to starting your application.

Minor Works Information Pack (509 KB)

Click on the apply online button to complete a minor works application form.

Apply online


Major work agreements

Please find the link below to the information pack. You should read this prior to starting your application.

View the Major works application pack

 Further information

To satisfy highway network road-space bookings, a permit to dig is required for major and minor works agreements which use the Section 111 process.

A permit to dig must be agreed and in place before work commences on the public highway.

There may also be additional permissions or licences required to undertake construction works on the highway, such as temporary traffic management, private drainage installations or a skip or scaffolding/hoarding licence.

For more information, please see the traffic and network management unit page.

Construction works in the highway must be carried out in accordance with the Staffordshire Highways Base Specification.

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