Recycling centres (tips) overview
To view details, including opening times, about your nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC), select a location from the related content menu.
For kerbside bin enquiries, please contact your local Borough / District Council.
Changes at the Household Waste Recycling Centres
What are the changes?
- Only accepting commercial (trade) waste from Staffordshire registered businesses from 5 June 2023. Commercial (trade) waste disposal charges will still apply.
- Introduction of permits for Staffordshire residents using a van / trailer to dispose of their own household waste from 4 September 2023.
Trade waste
From 5 June 2023 the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) that currently accept trade waste will only be accepting commercial (trade) waste from Staffordshire registered businesses. All Staffordshire commercial (trade) waste visitors will be required to provide a copy of their waste carriers licence and business address before disposing of waste. Commercial (trade) waste disposal charges will still apply.
Please visit our Trade Waste webpage for full details of the scheme including exclusions, charges and waste types accepted. Please be advised that we have the right to refuse trade/commercial waste at any time if we have insufficient capacity on site or members of the public are unable to dispose of their household waste due to the amount of trade waste being taken in. Priority will be always given to members of public to dispose of their waste.
Van / Trailer Permits
Staffordshire residents bringing their own waste using *certain vehicles will now require a permit to visit Staffordshire’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) when disposing of household waste.
The permit will allow residents 12 visits per year when using a van/trailer.
You will not need a permit for a car, visits in a car are unlimited.
You can apply for a van permit online. Once you get to the site you will need to present your permit to the staff on site.
A detailed list of vehicles requiring a permit to visit any Staffordshire HWRC is available on our Van / Trailer permit webpage.
Planning your visit
What can I do to minimise journeys to the recycling centre?
- When buying new products, check if the company offers a ‘take-back’ scheme where your old products will be taken away for disposal or refurbishment.
- Some online community swap, donate and second-hand networks are available; check online for selling and donating good quality used items to people in your local area.
Be prepared for your visit
Before you visit.
- Where possible, please separate your waste into different waste types and safely organise within your vehicle. These measures will help limit waiting times, make it easier to unload and enable you to progress through the site more easily.
- For the safety of our visitors, we do advise that suitable clothing and footwear is worn whilst using our sites
When you arrive
- If queuing to access the recycling centre, please ensure your vehicle is not obstructing access for emergency services at any time and turn off your engine whilst queueing.
What will happen inside the recycling centre?
- On entering the site, please observe all signage including the speed limit.
- Wherever possible site staff will assist with heavier items.
- Remember children and animals must not exit the vehicle at any time on the site for safety reasons.
Contact the Recycling Centres team
All HWRC enquiries are dealt with by Staffordshire County Council's recycling team.
Contact the Recycling Team
You can also contact us with any HWRC enquiries by calling us on 0300 111 8000
For bin collection enquiries, please contact your local Borough / District Council.
Policies for the usage of Household Waste Recycling Centres