Other ways to pay
By phone
Telephone our 24/7 Automated Telephone Service: 0845 045 0929, at any time. Payments can be processed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will be connected to our automated system. Please make sure that you have the following items to hand: a copy of your bill, your payment details and also a pen and a piece of paper to take down any transaction details. You can pay using any major debit or credit card except American Express.
By post
Postal payments should be sent to Staffordshire County Council, PO Box 10, Eastgate Street, Stafford, ST16 2NF enclosing your cheque or postal order.
Use the tear off portion of your bill and send it with your payment, including a stamped addressed envelope if you require a receipt. Please do not send cash through the post.