Primary education
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Road safety education resources and training are available free of charge to all Staffordshire schools.
For all outdoor training your Road Safety Education Officer will provide a risk assessment, high visibility waistcoats for children and adults, a parental/carer consent form and a teacher planning sheet.
For all outdoor training we must ensure that the ratios of adults to children satisfies the school's policy. Your Road Safety Education Officer is unable to provide additional adult support.
Basic skills around being safe outdoors with an adult, in the car whilst travelling and learning about people who can help us stay safe.
Story sacks, role play equipment, DVDs, stories, and worksheets to use that will give children basic skills for road safety.
First steps in a child's pedestrian training, developing basic skills for walking on the pavement and crossing the road safely. This builds on the knowledge that children gain from using our foundation stage resources.
Pedestrian training walks are available through your Road Safety Education Officer.
Other activities include a seatbelt safety presentation, be bright and geography resources.
Continuing to develop a child's pedestrian skills, knowledge and behaviour through the Stepping Out Scheme.
Other activities include, in vehicle safety, cycle safety equipment, looking at vehicle speeds and preparation for moving up to high school.
Teddy takes a tumble
Story sack, big book & DVD telling the story of a young boy who forgets to put his teddy's seat belt on. This pack is designed to show young children how important it is to use a child car seat and seatbelt on every journey.
Stop look and listen
A variety of resources to teach basic road safety skills including crossing the road with an adult and safe places to play. This pack includes teacher book, DVD, wheels on the bus CD, story books, worksheets and activities.
People who help us
A literacy pack looking at people who help us to stay safe. The main focus is the role of the school crossing patrol. The pack also contains a copy of Mrs Jollipop, a book by Dick King-Smith about a jolly witch who becomes a lollipop lady.
Role play equipment
A variety of equipment enabling children to have experience of crossing the road whilst indoors are available. This includes, zebra mats, road mats, school crossing patrol coat and lollipop stick.
A limited supply of model crossings (pelican, puffin and toucan) that may be available to use on a short term basis only.
Contact your Road Safety Education Officer to see what equipment is currently available.
First Steps Pedestrian Training Resource
The first steps pack is a series of pictures with discussion points which can be shown on your whiteboard with linked vocabulary to identify elements of the pictures. The project covers the following topics, safe and unsafe places, crossing the road, safe crossing places, looking at how to deal with parked cars, how to cross at junctions. A variety of printable worksheets are available on the disc.
Around our school
This pack contains pictures to investigate the areas around school. It looks at the issues of safe places and parking issues around schools. All pictures are designed to be shown on interactive white boards. Also in the box is a bingo game and a set of traffic signs on printed card.
A road mat showing an aerial view of a town can be used to identify features on the maps and is perfect for small group work.
Togo and Nogo
Step outside with to go and no go is an ICT based program consisting of five modular lessons to be completed in the classroom as a white board resource or a stand alone program. The lessons contain a mixture of real life sequences and interactive games along with a teacher's resource area. There are also printable worksheets, songs and rhyme lyrics. The teacher book gives hints and tips on various activities.
Be bright be seen
A resource to show the importance of pedestrians and cyclists being visible to drivers. The children will learn that clothing, weather conditions, the time of day and the season can have an impact on their visibility.
The pack contains a DVD, activities for interactive whiteboards, examples of hi-visibility items and materials for children to design and make their own hi-visibility dangle disc or arm band.
It's not far!
To accompany the it's not far resource a seat belt safety session may be available through your road safety education officer. The resource has worksheets and activities for interactive whiteboards and ideas for road safety music sessions.
What a difference
Sustainable travel resource in which children can compare and contrast scenes from areas suffering traffic congestion and pollution with pictures of the area after a transformation. The pack contains interactive whiteboard resources, posters for group work and printable posters.
Stepping out
Please note that the Stepping Out scheme is not available for all schools.
A 3 part practical pedestrian training scheme for years 3 and 4.
- Part 1: Teacher led classroom work using DVD and workbooks
- Part 2: The Road Safety Education Officer leads the class on a training walk of approx 1 hour duration depending on the route and number of children taking part.
- Part 3: The Road Safety Education Officer and adult volunteers assess the pupils skills during an observed walk.
Parents and carers are given feedback and children receive a certificate for taking part.
An independent research organisation evaluated this scheme and found it to be highly effective in increasing the knowledge and skills of young pedestrians.
Tales of the road booklet (11 MB)
Egg head
A practical project about cycle safety ideal for year 3 or 4. The pupils try to protect a boiled egg "head" by making a cycle helmet. They design, test and evaluate the helmet they have made.
Helmet shell and testing equipment are provided by your Road Safety Education Officer, but packaging materials and eggs must be provided by the school.
Crashed vehicle project
A design and technology project ideal for year 5 or 6. Small teams make, crash test and evaluate cardboard cars. The challenge is to develop ways of making the passenger compartment safer. The importance of wearing seat belts is the key message of this project.
All equipment is provided by your Road Safety Education Officer and a master pupil workbook is provided for you to photocopy in school.
The Speed project is a classroom resource which enables the pupils to discuss the issues around speeding vehicles and how vehicle speeds relates to their safety as a pedestrian or cyclists. Statistics are provided in the pack which give pupils the opportunity to manipulate and present data.
Please contact your Road Safety Education Officer for more details.
Year 6 transition presentation (Year 5 in middle schools)
During the summer term we actively promote our year 6 transition presentation which looks at issues such as hazard perception, distractions and journey planning. This interactive session uses statistics and video clips. It involves whole class discussions, group work and individual activities (if setting permits). For middle schools it is recommended that these sessions take place during the autumn term.
The transition presentation lasts for approx 1 hour and can be tailored to suit individual schools. Your Road Safety Education Officer will require a white board, sound and be able to attach a USB or a laptop to your whiteboard / computer.
Additional information for parents and carers is available about the ways young people can travel to and from school can be found on transition to high school information.
Be bright be seen
A resource to show the importance of pedestrians and cyclists being visible to drivers. The children will learn that clothing, weather conditions, the time of day and the season can have an impact on their visibility.
The pack contains a DVD, activities for interactive whiteboards, examples of hi-visibility items and materials for children to design and make their own hi-visibility dangle disc or arm band.
It's not far!
To accompany the 'It's not far' resource, a seat belt safety session may be available through your Road Safety Education Officer.
The resource has worksheets and activities for interactive whiteboards and ideas for road safety music sessions.
What a difference
Sustainable travel resource in which children can compare and contrast scenes from areas suffering traffic congestion and pollution with pictures of the area after a transformation.
The pack contains, interactive whiteboard resources, posters for group work and printable posters.