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Safeguarding Guidance for Early Years Settings

On this page childcare providers will find information, advice and guidance on safeguarding in early years:


The Child's Voice and Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support

It is imperative that Providers listen to the child's voice by asking questions that are not leading children to give a certain. Children should be encouraged to 'Tell', 'Explain' and 'Describe'  (TED).

Providers are advised that in situations where a different explanation of an injury or mark is provided by a parent/carer to that of a child, a call should always be made the Front Door Service as part of the Staffordshire Children's Advice Service (formerly First Response). Providers should record the date, time, name of the person they spoke to and response provided.

  • New phone number: 0300 111 8007 - Option 1 - you will then be presented with further options depending on the nature of the enquiry.
Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service (SCASS)
Staffordshire County Council
ST16 2LP


Safeguarding report writing - Points to consider

Writing reports and what information and how to record it is particularly vital around child disclosures and information about their welfare.

We have provided a number of points that settings can refer to which may help with consistency and accuracy in reports.

Report Writings - Points to consider


Injuries to children whilst in your care

If as a result of an accident a child in your care receives a serious injury on your premises, then the relevant internal processes should be followed.  

The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework 2023 – page 34, 3.52 states:

‘Providers must notify local child protection agencies of any serious accident or injury to, or the death of, any child while in their care, and must act on any advice from those agencies.’

Therefore, a call to SCASS is required and advice will be given as to next steps. For the purpose of this policy and procedure, a serious injury is defined as any injury that results in emergency care being sought.

If the child’s injuries happen as a result of an action or act of omission by a member of staff, then contact must be made with the LADO. The LADO can be contacted via SCASS (the number is as listed above).


Recording Incidents Guidance for those working with children in the PVI sector.

Staffordshire County Council in conjunction with Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) have revised the Recording of Incident documents for those working with children in the private and voluntary sector (PVI).

This guidance covers the general principles of keeping accurate and up to date records in relation to incidents involving children.

This guidance aims to assist practitioners in providing clarity over the following:

  • Who records can be shared with and why
  • How to effectively transfer records in relation to safeguarding
  • Assist in supporting practitioners to write a clear picture of what is happening in a child’s life.

Reporting of Incidents Guidance (PVI) (356 KB)


Education safeguarding advice line

In any instances where a provider is faced with complex circumstances which are not straightforward and is considering whether to make a referral to SCASS, a call can be made to the Education Safeguarding Advice Service (ESAS) for further guidance and support. 


Further reading/guidance


Staffordshire safeguarding self assessment tool for early years providers

Staffordshire County Council (SCC) in conjunction with Staffordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (SSCB) and Entrust have produced a safeguarding self-assessment tool for childcare providers. The audit tool is now a working document and providers are urged to print out this document and start working through it in their assessments.

In any instances where a provider is faced with complex circumstances which is not straightforward and is considering whether to make a referral to SCASS, a call can be made to the Education Safeguarding Advice Service (ESAS) for further guidance and support.


Prevent Duty

If a provider is concerned about an individual (staff member, parents or child) who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, then you need to ensure you follow the correct procedure in place and to contact the Staffordshire Police Prevent Team.

Phone: 01785 232055

Email: prevent@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk


Early Help assessment

Staffordshire’s Early Help Strategy aims to:

  • establish a common understanding of early help and help ensure everyone can see how their contribution can make a difference to the lives of children, young people and families living in Staffordshire.

  • provide targeted Early Help services to address the assessed needs of a child and their family which focuses on activities to significantly improve the outcomes for the child.

Find out more about the Early Help Strategy, teams and contacts for each district, guidance, paperwork, training and more


Available and upcoming training sessions relating to safeguarding

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