Active travel Stafford
The scheme improved the environment on routes bypassed by the Stafford Western Access Route by means of a new segregated cycle route and improved, widened footways mainly along Chell Road.
The new segregated cycle track tied into the shared facilities with the Stafford Western Access Route and linked with the existing Isabel Trail track.
The left turn carriageway at Broad Eye Roundabout was narrowed to enable the continuation of the cycle route through Doxey Road into Chell Road.
The central refuge at the pedestrian crossing at the Lamb Inn was removed and replaced with a single-stage Toucan crossing to make it more suitable for use by cyclists.
The bus stop has been redesigned, with the cycle route bypassing it to ensure no conflict between cyclists and pedestrians.
The carriageway was reduced from three to two traffic lanes on Chell Road at the approach to Gaol Square roundabout to allow the cycle lane to be continued into Foregate Street.
There was one exit lane from Gaol Square into Chell Road to allow suitable space for the cycle route and the upgraded crossing facility.
To complement the improved facilities, a new 20 miles per hour speed limit was introduced along the full length of Chell Road to the benefit of both cyclists and pedestrians.