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Staffordshire Housing with Care Strategy 2024-2029


County Councillor Jeremy Pert, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care

We want everyone in Staffordshire to be given the opportunity to lead as independent and fulfilling lives as possible. For some people, extra support to live in and be a part of their community is vital.

Developed from conversations with our partners and by talking to a range of residents and stakeholders, this five-year Housing with Care Strategy sets out how we can deliver the schemes needed to ensure as many people as possible can live fulfilling, independent lives for as long as possible.

This means considering how we will provide high-quality, affordable house and care residents, including supported living schemes, Extra Care housing schemes, short term accommodation for specific needs, Disabled Facilities Grants and considering how we commission day opportunities for people to access activities in their communities which help to enrich lives.

We have already made progress in Extra Care, but it’s important that we expand on this great start to support even more people with the help they need to be empowered to live the way they want to.

But we can’t do this on our own. Together with our district and borough council colleagues and wider partners, we will deliver what is needed to support some of the more vulnerable people in our society. I would like to thank our colleagues in the districts and borough councils for their essential help and support in the completion of the strategy and their endorsement.

Best wishes,

Cllr Jeremy Pert





Every decision about people’s care needs is also a decision about housing. As far as possible, we aim for preventative care and support which enables as many people with care needs as possible to live at home, or a place that they call home.

The right accommodation is crucial to people’s health and well-being; conversely, lack of access to the right accommodation leads to poorer outcomes for people, and potentially avoidable costs for public bodies including both County and District and Borough Councils and the NHS. These costs may relate to admission to care homes, homeless and rough sleeping, unemployment, and hospital admissions.


A strategic objective for the County Council’s Health and Care Directorate is to maintain a market for care and support that offers good services at an affordable price and ensures best use of resources, people, data, and technology.


We also have an ambition to take a strength based approach which helps people identify their own personal strengths, the assets around them and helps them to draw on these to develop greater resilience and maximise their independence.

The County Council is responsible for adult social care for Staffordshire’s residents. The eight Borough and District Councils are the local Housing Authorities. All the local authorities work together to aim to ensure that Housing with Care is available for residents.

The eight boroughs and districts have many diverse characteristics. Different patterns of Housing with Care will be needed in each area.

In Staffordshire we are committed to working in partnership across the county council, borough and district councils and housing providers with the aim of equitable access to Housing with Care, developing the right services in each borough and district, so that Housing with Care that is provided in the right place, offering people the chance to connect with their community and local services, and meeting the needs of people with differing incomes so that they can access the accommodation they need.


Aims and objectives

Aim - By 2029 we aim for all adults who require it to have a choice of good quality Housing
with Care, and for there to be an improved transition pathway for young people with Housing
with Care needs. This strategy sets out how the local authorities will work with existing and
new partners to ensure the quality of existing schemes and to develop new Housing with Care
schemes where required.

1. The objectives of the Strategy are:

  • To have a sufficient supply of Housing with Care for adults in Staffordshire
  • To provide for easy and equitable access to Housing with Care

2. Our priorities are:

  • To develop and maintain a strong partnership to ensure a collective understanding of housing with care requirements and oversee developments.
  • To stimulate the development of housing with care to meet growth in demand.
  • To ensure good quality and consistent information and advice about housing with care as well as integrated and streamlined pathways for access.
  • To ensure good quality care and support in housing with care schemes.

We will achieve our objectives through the co-production of detailed partnership delivery plans for each of the key areas set out within this Strategy.

We already have some excellent examples of Housing with Care for adults in our county (see Section 4), but with our ageing population, it is important to have a sufficient supply of the right property and the right care and support in the right places.

For working age adults who have Housing with Care needs, we are aiming to develop a diverse range of Housing with Care options that can meet a range of levels of need, and that can support people to live as independently as possible.

For our young people with Housing with Care needs, we will help them to shape what they would want of their future homes, as they move into their adulthood, working with all partners as they transition from child to adult.


‘Making It Real’ is a set of nationally co-produced statements which set out what personalisation
of care services should look like from the perspective of the people who use them. These
include the following, which are important in relation to Housing with Care


Wellbeing and independence

  • “I have a place I can call home, not just a ‘bed’ or somewhere that provides me with care.”
  • “I live in a home which is accessible and designed so that I can be as independent as possible.”


Information and advice

  • “I know what my rights are and can get information and advice on all the options for my health, care and housing”


Active and supportive communities:

  • “I feel welcome and safe in my local community and can join in community life and activities that are important to me."


Flexible, integrated care and support

  • “I have care and support that is co-ordinated and everyone works well together and with me.”


When things need to change

  • “If I move from my home to another place, the people who are important to me are respected, listened to, supported and involved in decisions”



  • “I am supported by people who listen carefully so they know what matters to me and how to support me to live the life I want.”


The Care Act 2014 emphasises that housing is key to meeting people’s needs and places duties on local authorities to:

  • Promote well-being including through considering suitability of people’s accommodation.
  • Treat housing not just as 'bricks and mortar' but include the support that is needed to access housing (such as housing related support).
  • Consider housing access as part of an assessment process to prevent, reduce or delay in adult social care need
  • Include information and advice about housing options as part of a universal service offer (including for self-funders).
  • Ensure that care and support is delivered in an integrated way with cooperation with partner bodies, including health and housing. 

The County Council’s vision is for “an innovative, ambitious and sustainable county, where everyone can prosper, be healthy and happy; and a priority is to encourage good health and wellbeing, resilience and independence to keep people healthier and independent for longer.”

This Strategy compliments the commissioning intentions set out in Staffordshire County Council’s Market Position Statements.


Nationally there is no single agreed definition of “Housing with Care”. This Strategy takes “Housing with Care” to mean any scheme where housing, support and care services are provided with the purpose of enabling the person to live as independently as possible in their community.

Within Staffordshire, Housing with Care may be for adults with emerging social care needs where Housing with Care can prevent, reduce, and delay the need for care, as well as for adults with existing social care needs where Housing with Care has a role in maximising their independence and quality of life.


The table below sets out the scope of this Strategy
Type of service/support In Scope
 Nursing and residential care homes  No
 Extra care housing schemes  Yes
 Supported living schemes  Yes
 Retirement living schemes without care and support       No
 Housing with care requirements for people adult social care needs in relation to: Homelessness and Rough Sleeping                      Yes
 Shared Lives  Yes
 Major and minor adaptations including Disabled Facilities Grants  Yes
 Sheltered housing without care  No
 Other social care delivered in people’s own homes  No
 General Housing needs for people with adult social care needs  Yes

In developing this Strategy, we have considered the work of the national Housing Learning and Improvement Network, who highlight good practice across the country.

Staffordshire County Council, with our strategic partners, want to provide Housing with Care that have good equality and diversity practices and ensure that the services that are provided to people are accessible and fair to everyone involved, including service users and care providers. This helps everyone feel like they are treated equally and that they get the respect and dignity that they deserve.

We will deliver equity within the Housing with Care services that we provide so that people, irrespective of their sex, gender, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation, have fair and equal access. 


Staffordshire already has some excellent examples of Housing with Care. The table below shows a summary of Housing with Care currently available in Staffordshire, which includes services where people receive care and support funded by the County Council.

Summary of current service delivery 2024
 AreaCare Group Schemes/ServicesCapacity 
 Extra Care Housing  Older people  22  1402
 Supported Living  Learning Disability and Autism  157   566
 Supported Living  Physical Disability  3  10
 Supported Living  Mental Health Conditions  30  140
 Shared Lives Scheme  Individuals with Assessed Eligible Social Care Needs  1  -
 Rough Sleeping/Homelessness   Older People, People with a Disability, People Impacted by Mental ill Health, People Impacted by Substance Misuse.   Delivered directly by Borough and District Councils
 Disabled Facilities Grant  Older People, People with a Disability. Delivered Directly by Borough and District Councils   Delivered directly by Borough and District Councils


The County Council wishes to continue to reduce the number of people in residential and nursing care home placements by an increased use of ‘support at home’ services for older people and people with a disability with lower-level eligible needs. This will include an increase in the use of provision including Extra Care Housing, Supported Living, Shared Lives care, and other initiatives as well as domiciliary care.


Supported Living Developments being created to support people with mental health needs to live independently in Staffordshire.

What’s been happening, and what is the impact?

Staffordshire County Council and Care providers working with Registered Social Landlords have come together to understand the needs of the County for any additional Supported Living provision. The decision on additional needs have been based on data analysis of current capacity and future demand. From this joint approach the County has upcoming additional capacity of supported living intended for to support people to manage their mental health needs.


Extra Care Housing

Our population is ageing. Between 2012 and 2021 the population grew by 70,000 and by 2041 we can expect it to grow by another 80,000. Almost all of this growth is people aged 65 and over, and especially people aged 85 and over. The proportion of the population aged 65 and over will almost double from 15.6% in 2001 to 27.0% in 2041. The proportion of the population aged 85 and over will almost triple from 1.7% in 2001 to 4.5% by 2041.

This will mean more people with health conditions that will result in care needs, and a growing
demand for Housing with Care.


The current provision of Extra Care

within Staffordshire, and schemes which are in development and or approved for development, are detailed in the table below.

Current Extra Care Provision
Area2024 Schemes  2024 Flats Approved Schemes Proposed Flats 2027 Schemes2027 Flats 
Cannock  3  187  1  0  4  187
 East Staffordshire   2  96  0  0  2  96
 Lichfield   2  200  2  150  4  350
Newcastle-under-Lyme   6  355  1  19  7  374
 South Staffordshire  5  289  1  32  6  321
 Stafford   5  321  2  110  7  431
 Staffordshire Moorlands   2  154  1  57  3  211
 Tamworth   2  93  0  0  2  93
Staffordshire   27  1695  368   35  2063


The growth in Adult Social Care demand
Within Staffordshire, and schemes which are in development and or approved for development, are detailed in the table below

Projected demand for extra care (gap if the Council aims to 5% of 65+ funded social care services users in extra care but consume no more than 10% of capacity)
Area  2027 Gap 2032 Gap 2037 Gap2042 Gap 
 Cannock  -14  -18  -22  -23
 East Staffordshire  -28  -32  -36 -37 
 Lichfield  -10  -20  -19  -18
 Newcastle-under-Lyme  -2  -4  -7  -7 
 South Staffordshire  -5  -7  -10  -10
 Stafford  -1  -1  -5  -6
 Staffordshire Moorlands              -7                         -9                         -11                        -11                       
 Tamworth  -19  -21  -23  -23
 Staffordshire  -63  -73  -93  -98


Extra Care

Developing a Joint Allocation
Process to increase the
number of people with care
needs living independently
at Daisy Haye Extra Care


What’s been happening and what is the impact:

Daisy Haye is an Extra Care scheme in Staffordshire Moorlands. It provides older people with a housing option to live independently within the scheme. The scheme has an onsite care team and a timetable of monthly social activities. Staffordshire County Council in partnership with Your Housing Group (the scheme housing provider), Nexxus (the care provider) and colleagues from the Midlands Partnership Trust (the county’s social work teams) meet monthly to discuss upcoming vacancies at the scheme and develop a waiting of list of people with care needs identified to the social work teams that would benefit from the support available from Daisy Haye. People living at the scheme are supported with their care needs to remain living independently and the joint process has increased the number of people at Daisy Haye who have care and support needs. 


Supported Living

Over the period 2020 to 2040 the total population of Staffordshire residents aged 18 to 64 is predicted to remain roughly static. The population with a moderate to severe learning disability, who are likely to require care and support, is predicted to grow slightly. The population with a moderate or severe personal care disability is predicted to fall slightly. The population of people with an autistic spectrum condition is expected to grow by 9%.



The greatest increase in the number of people with a learning disability is expected to be in the 45-54 age range which is predicted to increase by 171 people (6%) from 2,790 to 2,961.


In the same period the number of people aged 55-64 with a learning disability is expected to decrease by 304 individuals (-12%) from 2,856 to 2,552.


However, the growth in demand for Supported Living is expected to be greater than this overall demographic figure.

Over time, we anticipate that people are more likely to receive care and support in Supported Living and less likely to do so in residential or nursing care. In addition, there has been an increase in demand for Supported Living for people with mental health needs in the last two years, and it is not yet known to what extent this trend may continue. The delivery plan for Supported Living will capture a “pipeline” of future demand, linked to individuals’ care reviews and capturing their future wishes.


Rough Sleeping and Homelessness

Each Borough and District Council has their own strategies, policy and practice regarding rough sleeping and homelessness. Each strategy recognises that there will need to be a cross-sector response, to ensure the right advice and support is provided at the right time, with opportunities to intervene early and prevent homelessness in the long term.

People become homeless for a wide range of reasons which can include substance misuse and addition, mental ill health and illness, physical illness, domestic abuse, unemployment, poverty, family breakdown, lack of affordable housing, tenancy breakdown and rent areas.

An overview of housing affordability and homelessness across Staffordshire is indicated in Table 6.

Table 6: 2021 Public Health Data - Housing Affordability and Homelessness Households per Borough and District Council
 AreaHousing affordability ratio(ratio of average house price to average gross earnings)Average house price  Approved schemes
 Cannock Chase   6.4                                                      £187,500                           4.0 (180)                       
 East Staffordshire  7.4  £210,000  5.3 (270)
 Lichfield  7.8  £280,000  6.0 (260)
 Newcastle-under-Lyme         5.6  £165,500  6.9 (390)
 South Staffordshire  8.0  £265,000  1.6 (80)
 Stafford  7.2  £225,000  3.3 (200)
 Staffordshire Moorlands  6.4  £199,95  5.5 (240)
 Tamworth  7.9  £220,000  9.9 (320)
 Staffordshire  7.2  £220,000  5.1 (1,940)
 West Midlands  7.6  £225,000  10.2 (25,100)
 England  9.1  £285,000  11.3 (268,560)

Through our detailed delivery plans, we will identify where specific individuals with adult social care needs are affected by homelessness and rough sleeping. We will work collaboratively with a clear pathway to provide support to meet care needs in settings that also seek to prevent or address homelessness and rough sleeping, and to develop appropriate arrangements where care needs cannot be met in these settings.


Rough Sleeping and Homelessness

Stafford Borough Council have
commissioned accommodation
through a ring-fenced grant
from the Ministry of Housing,
Communities and Local
Government specifically for to
support rough sleepers in the


What’s been happening and what is the impact:

The accommodation includes a six-bed purpose designed unit for entrenched rough sleepers with 24/7 staffing which is underpinned by a coproduction model and five units of dispersed ‘housing first’ accommodation. Both projects went through a tendering process and specialist charities, who also operate as Housing Associations, were successful in securing the contracts. The provision is reliant on rough sleeper grant funding to provide intensive wrap around support which is critical to sustaining accommodation for those who have experience of rough sleeper or homelessness and have complex needs that include mental health and social care, offending behaviour and substance misuse amongst others.

"Eagle House offers temporary
accommodation for single people
aged 18-64 who are faced with



We will continue to listening to the voice of our residents, their carers, our staff, market providers, and other stakeholders to coproduce our services, and this will be at the heart of how we shape and monitor the services that we deliver.

Through extensive engagement with people with people during development of the Older People Commissioning Strategy and ‘Living my Best Life’, the Joint Strategy for Disabled and Neurodivergent people in Staffordshire, we have been told that the following things are important:


Care and Support Needs

  • People want to have appropriate information, advice, and signposting about good quality care services.
  • People want to be involved in making decisions about the care and support services that they will receive.
  • People want to receive services from staff who recognise their strengths, and skills.
  • People want to have services delivered by staff who have the skills and experience to enable them to be independent.
  • People want to work with staff who support them to establish trusted support networks, and community links.
  • People want to be respected by those who are delivering their services and who recognise how diverse and different their needs can be.
  • People want to work with providers who value the contribution of their family and friends.
  • People want to be supported to access formal and informal learning, employment, or volunteering opportunities.
  • People want staff who can help them to make and maintain healthy lifestyle choices and to help them access services that can support them.
  • People want to receive support from providers who can help them to make connections with other people, groups, and universal services.


Housing and Accommodation Needs

  • People want to have information, advice, and signposting to relevant housing and support services.
  • People want choice in relation to their housing and accommodation needs that most fits with maintaining their independence.
  • People need accommodation which provides a ‘context’ for care rather than being dictated or constrained by their care and support needs.
  • People want accommodation where the size, location, and design of proposed care services support inclusion in the community and are designed to prevent isolation.
  • People want housing and accommodation that is affordable, of good quality, safe and secure.
  • People want housing and accommodation where their rights are respected.
  • People do not want to live too far from local amenities, medical services and where community focussed activities are difficult to access.
  • People want housing and accommodation that not only gives a sense of community but that is located near to family, friends, and the communities that they are familiar with.
  • People want to live in housing and accommodation that can be adapted as their needs change.
  • People want accommodation that is inclusive and is responsive to their social and cultural needs.

We are developing strong partnerships to ensure a collective understanding of Housing with Care and supply and demand and to oversee developments, as Staffordshire is a diverse county, and we aim to have the right type of Housing with Care in the right locations for our residents.

What we will do

Work together - The County Council’s partners include the eight District and Borough Councils in Staffordshire, the County Council, the NHS, Registered Social Landlords, as well as housing developers, private landlords and care providers, and we will also work with other partners including Homes England. The County Council will work collaboratively with partners as they deliver their statutory and legislative duties that support the delivery of good quality Housing with Care provision.

Joint training - To help support our partnership working, we are together embarking on a range of joint training so that we all have a shared understanding of Housing with Care and can jointly tackle the challenges our residents sometimes have in accessing it.

Detailed delivery plans - The Strategy will be delivered through the development and implementation of detailed delivery plans for each of the key areas of work, co-produced with people with care and support needs and with our partners.

These plans will cover: 

  • Extra Care: The term 'extra care' housing is used to describe developments that comprise self-contained homes with design features and support services available to enable self-care and independent living for older people.
  • Supported Living: Supported Living schemes support people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, autism, or mental health conditions to live independently in the community. Schemes can be shared houses or clusters of flats or may be single households
  • Shared Lives, a highly flexible form of supported living and gives individuals the opportunity to live within a family.
  • Major and Minor Adaptation including Disabled Facilities Grants: These are grants provided by the local authority to help meet the cost of adapting a property for the needs of a disabled person.
  • Homelessness and Rough Sleeping support for people with social care needs: Housing, care and support for people who do not have a home and who have social care needs.
  • General housing needs: Housing that meets the needs for the population of people with care needs.

Structured approach - We aim to adopt a strategic and structured approach to improve the alignment of care and support needs across Housing with Care and deliver our ambitions, which will include:

  • Working in partnership with providers to take a flexible approach in making Housing with Care provision available for people with a wide range of needs and consider new business models to enable this.
  • Implementing innovative and technologically enhanced housing, care, and support solutions, that help people to live independently in a safe home and community environment that provides opportunities for them to participate, shape and become actively involved in their communities.
  • Implementing provision where people’s capacity to age well is supported by having ready access to social and communal services, family members, neighbours, and the broader community.
  • Implementing housing with care provision that is affordable to local populations and offers security of tenure and greater independence, health, and wellbeing

Maximised outcomes of those with social care needs - Our Strategy aims to maximise the outcomes of people with social care needs and provide best value for money by offering good quality and cost-effective services that support people, and those that may care for them. We want people with social care needs to live as safely, independently, and healthily as possible, with the right care, at the right time, in the communities of their choice, whenever possible. It is important that our strategic objectives for Housing with Care help us to deliver this.

Sufficient housing with care services - We will work with our strategic housing and care partners and support them to deliver sufficient housing with care services that reflect adult social care needs including:

Housing Authorities, Housing Developers, Registered Providers of Housing, Private Landlords

developing an appropriate mix of accommodation, properties, sizes, and types by working together to ensure that Local Plans reflect the requirements for our diverse communities.

  • Delivering a mix of tenures including rented and social housing suitable for a range of individual circumstances.
  • Schemes offering good quality housing alongside good quality care that promote independence, meet people outcomes, and offer a less restrictive environment where people can take positive risks.
  • Developing models of housing management support are aspirational and promote recovery for people with mental health conditions, so that they can support people to live more independently and encourage people to move away from provision that is no longer suitable for their needs. This approach will alleviate issues such as creating dependency on care services and bottlenecks in care provision that prevents further referrals for support.

Registered Providers of Care, Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations, Public and Private Sector Institutions.

  • Maximising choice of care for people in a way that does not jeopardise their tenancy and housing arrangements.
  • Offering a range of care appropriate for people with a variety of needs - from intensive personal care to less intensive and non-regulated support.
  • Commissioning Housing with Care schemes which offer ready access and actively seek to connect with community assets, and work with local voluntary organisations.

Priority 1 - Prevention


To develop and maintain a strong partnership to ensure a collective understanding of housing with care requirements and oversee developments.


This will include the County Council, District and Borough Councils, the NHS, Registered Social Landlords, housing developers, private landlords and care providers in a range of activities including:

  • Quarterly strategic partnership meetings between the County Council and District and Borough Council housing leads.
  • Development of specific plans for each type of housing with care within scope.
  • Regular updates to the Leader’s Board.

Priority 2 - Stimulate demand

OUTCOME To stimulate the development of housing with care to meet growth in demand.


This will include a range of strategic partnership working:

Housing Providers, Developers, Private Landlords


  • The necessary additional supply of housing with care for those with adult social care needs is reflected in District and Borough Councils’ Local Plans, infrastructure plans and strategic housing plans.

  • Clearly articulating the projected future demand through the Delivery Plans for each type of for housing with care in each district and borough by providing intelligence to potential developers of new housing with care schemes.
  • Continuing partnership working with Housing Authorities so that adult social care needs of older people, adults with a disability and adults with complex needs are integrated into each District and Borough Council planning application for C2 developments and are reflected into their Local Plans.
  • Opening dialogue with potential developers to elicit creative and sustainable ideas about the best ways to ensure they provide the housing with care that Staffordshire needs.
  • Identifying opportunities to use the public sector estate for development of new housing with care schemes.
  • Developing partnerships to identify and secure the funding necessary for the delivery of housing with care in Staffordshire – including looking at new, innovative and best practice financing options, as well as more traditional routes including private developer contributions, and other possible investment via assets and capital funding programmes that the Council and its partner district and borough councils can access.
  • Supporting housing models that facilitate access to social and communal support, health and care services and transport (e.g., through amenity, rich locations) that can enhance people’s capacity to age in place.
  • With our strategic partners, encouraging the development and design of all specialist housing designated for older people, people with disabilities and other vulnerabilities, that integrates and utilises advanced assistive technology and is truly accessible and adaptable for the housing, care, and support needs for all our diverse communities across Staffordshire.

CQC Registered Care Providers, Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations

  • Supporting outcome focussed and strength-based models of supported accommodation and care with our partners and through engagement and consultation with our communities, to incorporate assistive technologies within our contracted and non-contracted provision.
  • Identifying the need for and, where appropriate, developing transitional step-down services to support people as they prepare to learn to live in the community, and to help prevent the escalation of crisis or out of county placements, with the potential for cost-effective delivery of services in a least restrictive environment.

Priority 3 - Good information, streamlined access


To ensure good quality and consistent information and advice about housing with care as well as integrated and streamlined pathways for access.


We will undertake the following actions:

  • The provision of appropriate information, advice, guidance, assessment, and support for people to make the right choice and to retain control of the services that they receive.
  • Development of a single repository of information about housing with care across public sector partners to help people understand their choices and the funding arrangements.
  • Exploring the potential for additional resources for targeted specialist housing support and practitioner expertise for Adult Social Care eligible clients to broker secure housing-based solutions within the community that will respond to identified care needs and facilitate all appropriate tenancy arrangements.
  • Continually improving referral pathways, including structure and integrated pathways across agencies, and oversight and performance management of Disabled Facilities Grants.
  • Further guidance for social care practitioners to ensure they understand and maximise the opportunities from housing with care in their area.
  • Reviewing and strengthening of referral pathways from the NHS to housing with care.

Priority 4 - Good quality care and support

OUTCOME To ensure good quality and consistent information and advice about housing with care as well as integrated and streamlined pathways for access.


This will include the following actions:

CQC Registered Care Providers, Housing Providers, Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations

  • Improved quality assurance of housing with care across the county.
  • Actively involving people in the co-production of care and support services.
  • An increase in the provision of preventative and community interventions such as Telecare, Digital Care Technology, Equipment, and adaptations, within our accommodation-based services where appropriate, which promote independence and self-care within the homes that people live in. 
  • Building and supporting strategic relationships with care providers to explore how to make the model of care more strength-based, harness opportunities from innovative technologies and plan for future demand.

We will develop with our partners detailed delivery plans for each of the following areas:

Extra Care

The County Council’s aim is that Extra Care housing will become an attractive alternative to residential homes and that the supply of Extra Care will reduce demand on residential home capacity required, through:

  • The provision of Extra Care Housing with people moving in before or at the point they can no longer manage in their own homes to reduce the risk that they will need.
  • Pathway development and multi-agency working.
  • Short-term Extra Care for reablement and respite.
  • Alternative provision for younger and working age adults with learning disabilities and/or autism, physical disabilities, and mental health conditions.

Supported Living

Our intention is that the proportion of people in Supported Living will rise over time, with the proportion of people in residential homes gradually falling over time. We are currently developing a revised commissioning approach for Supported Living and our aims include:

  • Increasing the availability of Supported Living in Staffordshire for people currently placed outside the county where appropriate, including young people placed in other local authority with disabilities and entering transition.
  • Strengthened assurance for our housing arrangements including that people in Supported Living have an appropriate tenancy agreement, that there are no inappropriate links between landlords and care providers, and that those with private sector landlords are not adversely affected by more limited housing benefit available.
  • Commissioning focused on outcomes and a reduction in transaction costs, with care providers managing changes in individuals’ needs, unless a significant and long-term change is confirmed through a social care led review.
  • Effective and efficient processes for sourcing care that offer a good customer experience and minimise administrative costs.
  • Standardised rates that are financially sustainable for care providers whilst also being cost effective for the Council.
  • Strengthened quality assurance and contract management, with clear quality standards and standardised contracts in place.

Shared Lives

We have recently recommissioned this service, and our commissioning intentions for this service include:

  • Increasing awareness of Shared Lives amongst residents and grow the service.
  • Enabling more of our residents to benefit from Shared Lives and increase the capacity of the service.
  • Developing targeted strategies designed to ensure the Shared Lives service continues to add value to the housing with care pathway.
  • E-viewing options for growth and diversification of the Shared Lives scheme including expanding the scheme to more individuals so that people can achieve outcomes through Shared Lives as an alternative to other forms of support.
  • Increasing the numbers of individuals supported within Shared Lives through innovative recruitment of new Providers and marketing of the scheme to communities across Staffordshire.

Major and Minor Adaptations including Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs)

Our intention is for the County Council to work in partnership with our Borough and District Councils and with stakeholders to deliver a DFG pathway that is efficient and effective in supporting people to remain independent and safe at home in addition to:

  • Increased use of Assistive Technology, equipment and adaptations Major and minor and DSG) to enable people to live independently.
  • Improved and co-ordinated information and advice in relation to accessing DFG’s, to ensure effective information, step-by-step guidance and support to all applicants.
  • Continually improving the customer journey and procedures between the County Council and our Borough and District Council’s that facilitates better access to suitable home adaptations that will enable people with a range of disabilities to live more independently within their homes.
  • Ensuring practitioners, with the most appropriate skills and experience, are utilised for when they were needed to accurately assess the needs of individuals and they receive the appropriate adaptations to them to enable them to live more independently.
  • Continued contract management and co-ordinated resource allocation to deliver the adaptations required within each Borough and District Council.
  • Continued management across Staffordshire of both contractors and product suppliers (providers) within this specialist market to meet the need of eligible residents offering consumer protection and insurance backed warranty for the works, where applicable and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping support for people with social care needs

Our intention is for the County Council to work in partnership with the borough and district councils to:

  • Continuing to improve our prevention services that support the reduction of Homelessness and Rough Sleeping for people with social care needs.
  • Providing good quality housing, care and support options, so people can resolve their problems in a way that is resilient and long lasting by accessing the appropriate adult social care support that they need.
  • Identifying people who are at a greater risk of homelessness due to their social care needs and face barriers to accessing good quality affordable housing with care and support services, including people with mental and physical health issues and disabilities who are also at a greater risk of homelessness.
  • Working across the Councils and housing partners to increase access to affordable, good quality temporary, move-on, and settled housing across Staffordshire for people with social care needs.
  • Continuing to develop tailored accommodation and support pathways for people with complex and multiple needs.
  • Strengthening our information, advice, guidance and support services to help people to make informed decisions about their settled housing options, including as they move on from temporary accommodation and ensuring that these are accessible for people with social care needs.
  • Improving referral pathways between Adult Socia Care and Housing Options services within our Borough and District Council where necessary.

General housing needs

We aim to work collaboratively across the Councils in identifying the general housing needs for people with adult social care needs. This will include:

  • The County Council regularly updating each borough and district with its predictions of future underlying social care need in each area
  • Ensuring that borough and district councils are provided with the County Council’s Market Position Statements
  • Working together so that the adult social care needs of older people, adults with a disability and adults with complex needs are integrated into each borough and district Council planning application for C2 developments and are reflected into their Local Plans.

Shaping the market 

We wish to work with housing and care providers that can deliver the following:

  • Workforce: Well trained and skilled staff who promote and value diversity and can deliver enhanced care, support, and accommodation-based services.
  • Person Centred and Outcome Focussed Care and Support: Work with providers who are registered with the Care Quality Commission where necessary and who can evidence that they have the skills, knowledge, and experience to deliver service models that are person centred and outcomes focussed.
  • Independence: Work with providers who have experience of empowering people and giving them the opportunity and confidence to maintain, learn or relearn and regain skills that keep them as independent as possible and to stay in their own homes for as long as possible.
  • Service Transformation: Work with providers that are focussed on driving service transformation and share our vision of delivering high performing, highly personalised services that are value driven.
  • Community Integration and Partnerships: Deliver services that are focused on maximising locality-based assets and have made connections with community and voluntary organisations, and commission providers that reach out to the local community, sharing assets and enhancing community interaction.
  • Health and Wellbeing: Commission providers who are registered with the Care Quality Commission where necessary and who strive to deliver good health and wellbeing outcomes for service users and have policies and practices in place that address the local barriers experienced across different communities within Staffordshire.
  • Investing in Professional Development: Commission from providers who are well equipped to deliver the services required and have access to ongoing professional development, encouraging continuous learning, mentorship programs, and leadership training to empower staff at all levels to meet the evolving demands of their roles
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