A518 Bamford Bridge/Bridge Street Roundabout, Uttoxeter
Carriageway resurfacing with associated drainage repairs and additional drainage provision.
Staffordshire County Council working with Amey Services Ltd, will shortly be carrying out the above circa £250,000 scheme to improve the condition of Bamford Bridge/Bridge Street roundabout.
When are the works taking place?
The work will commence on 30 October 2023
How long will the works take?
The works are programmed to be completed within 3 weeks with a completion date of 17 November 2023.
The works have been carefully planned to minimise disruption as far as possible and have been co-ordinated with other works within the area.
Will I be able to access my home/business?
Access for properties and businesses within the extents of the works will be maintained during the works but delays may be experienced if work is taking place directly outside an individual’s property access.
Drainage repairs and additional drainage provision.
To allow the drainage works to be carried out safely, temporary lane closures in conjunction with standard ring traffic management will be used for the first week, during weekdays daytimes.
Carriageway resurfacing.
Due to the size of the contractor’s plant and equipment and for the safety of the workforce and public, it will be necessary to close Town Meadows Way/Bridge Street roundabout and Bamford Bridge to through traffic overnights weekdays between 6 November and 17 November.
Please be aware that some noise will be generated by these nighttime works.
What effect could the works have on me?
We take care to make sure that work is completed with the minimum of disturbance to the local community but as with any major works, it is expected that delays will be experienced.
How you can help us
You can help us to get the job done with the minimum of fuss by following this advice:
- Please keep children away from the works to ensure their safety.
- Please drive slowly and cautiously through the works.
- Check your shoes before entering your property or car to make sure there is no bitumen from the works.
If you have any questions or queries, please visit:
Enquiries: www.staffordshire.gov.uk/reportit
Website: www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Highways/roadworks